

Strengthening Emotional Intelligence with Neurographica and Art Therapy.
An Online Workshop for parents and children.

Parenting today is not always easy. It can be stressful, confusing and exhausting.
All a parent wants for their children is to be happy, but there can be many different emotions coming up, and sometimes it is difficult to even express them.

It is very important to strengthen the emotional intelligence and resilience of children. To help them understand and process emotions in a safe way.
Also for parents, it is crucial to find outlets and make space to reflect on what is happening in the family.

With our workshop, we want to offer you the tools to do exactly that, release, express, and explore emotions, resolve conflicts, improve communication, and most importantly, create together with your children.
With the help of guided Art processes that you can share with your children and practice for your own well-being, we want to support families, and make the world a little more colorful.
Please watch this introductory video, where Corinne and Antje speak about this course and all the things you will learn in more detail.
Live online workshop series of 4 meetings with access to recordings and additional materials.
This program is offered by Antje Howard - Neurographica Instructor & Specialist for Children and Youth - together with Corinne Allan - Art Therapist and Neurographica Specialist.  
Emotional Intelligence
►4 live online workshops (2 hours each - dates below)
►access to workshop recordings
►access to an exclusive Facebook Community
price: $188
Antje Howard & Corinne Allan

Live Dates - please check your local Time Zone HERE!

July 29th 3PM PST / July 30th 10AM NZST
August 5th 3PM PST / August 6th 10AM NZST
August 19th 3PM PST / August 20th 10AM NZST
August 26th 3PM PST / August 27th 10 AM NZST
Please do not worry if you cannot join all the live classes. The recordings will remain accessible through the NeuroArtProject video library.
Book as a self-study course - complete this program at your own pace with recordings.
If you are unable to join any of the live meetings, but you are interested in taking this course on your own as a self-study course with recordings, please book the recording-only version.
Emotional Intelligence
►recordings of 4 online workshops (approximately 2 hours each)
►access to an exclusive Facebook Community
price: $166
Antje Howard & Corinne Allan
Who is this program for:
  • parents who are looking for creative methods for self-regulation and inner transformation
  • parents who want to help their children learn emotional self-regulation
  • parents who are interested in exploring art activities together with their kids
  • families who are open to reflecting on their internal patterns in a creative, engaging, and fun way
  • families who want to improve their communication and problem-solving skills
  • families who are willing to try something new and engage in creative self-reflection
No prior art experience or skills are required. This course is suitable for everyone, including children (under parental supervision and guidance).

What this course offers?
We will introduce two different methods in depth -  namely the Neurographica method and the practical and therapeutic use of color theory.

You will learn and practice Neurographic drawing, and then combine it with the therapeutic use of colors. Bringing these two methods together will enable you to support yourself and your children on different levels (mental, emotional etc). The practices can be used for your own relaxation and reflection and as a playful and supportive activity together with your children.

In addition to the course sessions, you will receive extra materials to help deepen the practices.

Also, you will receive access to an exclusive Facebook Community, where you can share experiences, artworks, and inspiration with other parents, and ask any further questions you may have about the art methods.
What materials you need for this workshop: 
I always suggest to just round up whatever materials you can find in your house. There is no need to buy any extra materials.


This program is not a therapy, nor does it aim to diagnose or treat any mental condition. It does not replace professional help from a doctor or mental health practitioner. 
In case you are interested in deepening your personal process or working with your child with the help of Art Therapy, please get in touch with Corinne Allan personally (more information below). 
The course content is meant for personal use only. No part of this program can be used professionally or in any work with clients.
In order to work with Neurographica professionally, you need to acquire professional certifications. If you are interested in learning more about the Neurographica method, please find the other courses on this website, and get in touch with Antje Howard (more information below).

How can you support your children through
emotional turbulences?

What you will learn in each of the 4 workshop sessions?

Session 1 - Introduction to the Neurographica method
You will learn the basic elements and steps of Neurographica. You will also learn how to use this method for emotional self-regulation, and how to release and transform difficult emotions through drawing.

Session 2 - Introduction to therapeutic color theory and practice
You will learn about the Emotional Colour Spiral. With this tool, you will understand how colors reflect our emotions, and how they can be used to change our emotional state. Finally, you will create a flowing Neurographica drawing where you will use these colors to deepen your connection with your mind, emotions, and body.

Session 3 - Using art to deepen communication and solve conflicts
You will learn to use art as a powerful tool for communication and conflict-solving. In the drawing, you will explore the two sides of a story (or conflict) and find ways to create and negotiate compromise. You will create a Neurographica drawing that represents a conversation. This can bring to light hidden patterns of communication, and you will then use the therapeutic colors to help resolve the conflict. 

Session 4 - Using art to move toward what we really want
You will learn about the theory of birth colors, what they represent, and how to use them for yourself. Also, you will create a more complex Neurographica drawing that helps explore and reflect on your past and also offers an outlook on your future. Here, you will create a vision for yourself and your family that can help you stay on track and focus on healing where it is needed.

The sessions in this series are building on each other, that's why it is important to go through them one by one. If you are unable to join all the sessions live, it will be helpful to go through them in the provided order on your own time. You will be provided with a recording of each session no later than a day after the live meeting.

During the live sessions, we will also make some extra space and time to share experiences, discuss possible applications and adaptations of these practices, and answer questions of the participants.

About your Facilitators:

Antje Howard is an artist, guide, and teacher whose mission is to support self-discovery in a creative way. She has worked with children, teens, as well as college students and adults. Antje has an academic background in Education, she has worked in multiple art programs with children and teenagers, and has taught future art teachers at Cologne University in Germany.
In 2015, Antje moved from Germany to the USA, where she lives with her husband in rural Northern California. Since 2020 she teaches classes and courses with Neurographica® in her own unique way.
Antje is also a dancer, QiGong and Meditation teacher, she facilitates Women Circles and leads various art and movement workshops. 

Antje received her Neurographica® Instructor Certificate in 2021. She is licensed to teach the Neurographica method. In addition, she is also a certified Neurographica® Specialist for Children and Youth.

Learn more about Antje and her personal healing journey HERE.
Find out more about Antje's various Neurographica® programs and classes on her course page:
Corinne Allan lives with her husband and three children in Waikanae on the
Kapiti Coast of New Zealand.
She is an Art Therapist (AThR), a certified Neurographica® Specialist, and a Neurodiverse Specialist. Corinne offers information and support for clients and works alongside schools and medical professionals. She is passionate about helping children, teenagers, and adults to improve their emotional, mental, and physical well-being.
In 2017, she began Kapiti Art Therapy, and in 2020, opened Kapiti Neuro Therapy to give clients a therapeutic alternative to medical treatment.

Corinne uses the Neurographica® method with her clients, as a nonverbal communication tool which is fantastic for trauma recovery. She also uses this method with young clients, many of whom are on the neurodiverse spectrum and have complex learning and behavioral challenges. These clients often need to learn emotional self-regulation, so this is one of Corinne's main areas of expertise.

Corinne is passionate about Art and has been an Artist for over 15 years. She is inspired by nature and enjoys outdoor activities including triathlons. Also, she is always seeking ways of improving the well-being of herself, her family and her clients.

To learn more about Corinne, please visit her website:
or visit her on Facebook: Kapiti Neuro Therapy Corinne Allan

More about the Neurographica Method:

In case you are completely new to Neurographica, we invite you to learn about this method with some introductory videos. You can also try following one of my guided drawing processes on the NeuroArtProject YouTube Channel.
Also, please feel free to contact us with any questions you may have through the CONTACT page.