What is NeuroGraphica®?
NeuroGraphica® is a creative method that allows you to reinvent and create your life with the tip of your pen.
With Neurographica, our mind is reflected on a piece of paper, so that we can virtually see our thoughts, and manipulate them with lines, shapes, and colors. This drawing technique links the conscious and the subconscious mind together, and activates new neural connections in our brains.
Most of our problems originate in the mind, in the way we see and perceive things. Once we observe and become aware of undesirable thought patterns, there is an opportunity for positive change. We can see, understand, and finally transform the thoughts, emotions, and patterns that do not serve us. We can build self love and self worth, improve relationships, set positive intentions, and much more.
The drawing allows us to bring together different ideas and meanings, to set them in relation, and to harmonize them in an abstract, visually pleasing way. As a result, new ideas can naturally emerge, outdated structures can be changed, and inner limitations can be lifted.
This simple and ingenious method was developed by Pavel Piskarev, a Russian/Israeli Architect, Artist, Doctor of Psychology, Coach (and a whole long list of other things). If you want to know more about Pavel, his work, and his incredibly versatile personality, you can read his biography HERE...
The Neurographica method is based in science, and reflects the idea of visual thinking in combination with the laws and patterns identified by various schools of psychology, such as neuro-psychology, analytical psychology, Gestalt therapy, psycho-synthesis, social psychology, as well as NLP (neuro-linguistic programming), analytical coaching, and modern management theory. The method really reflects Pavel's creative genius.
How does Neurographica® work?
The first thing to know about Neurographica is that it's a method for everyone. It does not require any special drawing skills, or formal art education. Pavel says that anyone who can hold a pen can draw Neurographica.
But before we begin a drawing, we always choose a theme and/or set an intention first. Neurographica is a method of bringing our emotions, thoughts and ideas into the real world, we materialize, modify, and visually adjust our intentions with the tip of our pen. To do this, we always follow a distinct 7 step algorithm, meaning a formula that consists of specific techniques and elements of drawing which we layer on the paper one by one.
During this process, we especially work with the famous "Neurographic Line" (also called "Piskarev Line" - watch the video below to learn more about this essential element of Neurographica). The method is based on a system of patterns that create effects on a subconscious level. We use for example very simple geometric figures, namely circle, triangle, and square. Each of these elements is chosen for a specific reason and purpose in the picture and has a certain effect on our brain.
With every step of the drawing, we dive deeper into the different layers of our consciousness, and we get to access levels that are beyond any conscious thought. During the drawing process, we see our theme or problem from many different angles. This means that Neurographica is primarily a process, and the actual outcome, the picture that we hold in our hands at the end can be understood as a process documentation. At the end, we always come back to our original theme and intention and reflect on the messages, lessons, and wisdom of our drawing. We can end up with a blueprint for our own future, and begin to recreate our life from there.
“...when we are drawing, we create a system of sensations from what we see and experience with our own hands, eyes and movements. We gather our sensory world, the world of our sensations, and thus we create an impression within ourselves..."
(Pavel Piskarev)
Neurographica is a truly universal instrument to solve virtually any problem or situation. Pavel developed and offers algorithms for all kinds of life challenges. We can create practically anything: storylines, the patterns and conditions of our lifes, pathways of our evolution through time, graphical solutions for complicated communication problems and much more.
Neurographica can be helpful in working with individuals or groups. At this moment it is being used in over 30 countries in diverse settings such as pedagogy, (art) therapy, coaching, training, consulting, and counseling.
Please get in touch with me through the CONTACT page if you have any questions about the method or about the professional pathways and certificates to work with Neurographica.