
on all Neurographica Algorithm courses #1 through #9
from April 20th to April 30th

20% off any Algorithm with the coupon code

Draw Your Life

How can you use your creative energy to reinvent & transform your life?

Let me show you.

With the help of Art, positive change is possible. The process of creating brings you into an intuitive flow that can open horizons, bring new perspectives, and result in real life changes.

Sign up for my NeuroArt Loveletters and receive the
FREE Neurographica Guide

Free Introduction to Neurographica - Algorithm #1 on August 5th

A beginner's intro session for anyone who is curious to learn more about the Neurographica method.
Leading up to my 7th live Neurographica Basics Course (officially starting August 11th), I will share a free introductory session on August 5th.
In this session we will explore a way to express, release and transform difficult or challenging emotions, thoughts, or patterns, with the help of the drawing process.

No prior experience required.

Hi, I am Antje, Artist, Guide, and Teacher, and I invite You to join me on my creative journeys and explorations.

I guide with the help of art, supporting self-discovery and deep inner healing processes in creative ways. My goal is to strengthen your connection to your creative Self, and to help you open up and access your inner guidance and inate creative wisdom.


a special NeuroTree workshop live on July 27

JOIN THE LIVE WORKSHOP FOR JUST $27 or buy the NeuroTree collection

In this workshop we will integrate all the 7 chakras into one drawing and explore their interrelationships.

We are using the symbol of the tree as a way to explore the flow of energy between the chakras upward as well as downward.
The tree can be a wonderful metaphor for our energy body, and it can show us exactly where we need to pay attention.

The workshop will begin with a powerful guided meditation where we feel into all the chakras and let our energy flow between them.
Then, we will move into a guided drawing process, where we deepen into the experience of the chakras with the help of drawing.

This workshop is designed to integrate and expand on my free workshop series about the Chakras. If you haven't done these workshops yet, you are warmly invited to check out my  YouTube playlist - it is not, however required to do the Chakra series first.
WHEN: July 27 at 11AM Pacific Time - double-check your time zone HERE
WHERE: LIVE online workshop on ZOOM

Please contact me if you have any questions about this workshop.

Free Introduction to NeuroTiming- Algorithm #9 on March 30th at 11 AM (Pacific Time)

An introduction to NeuroTimeline - advanced, certified Neurographica Algorithm #9 course. 
The class includes a live draw-along process and is open to beginners. 
In this drawing session, we will compare the potential of different timelines and ask what we need to move towards our most happy and fulfilled future.

No prior experience required. Sign up to join.

Join the next FREE LIVE workshop on October 2nd 2022 ROOTS is the first in a series of Ancestral Arts Ceremonies

If for any reason, you cannot sign up through the field above, please use this EVENTBRITE LINK, and you will receive access information as well.

Join me for a free deep dive into the NeuroGraphic Line.
live Saturday, August 27th at 11AM (Pacific Time)

The NeuroGraphic Line, also called Piskarev Line, is one of the key elements of the NeuroGraphica® Method. It is a living line that allows us to experience our inner Self with the tip of our pen. Working with this line will allow you to begin seeing yourself with different eyes.

Please sign up below and experience it for yourself.

Free Introduction to NeuroGoal - Algorithm #8 on March 2nd

An introduction to NeuroGoal - advanced, certified Neurographica Algorithm #8 course. 
The class includes a live draw-along process and is open to beginners.
In this session, we will start the exploration of our wishes and goals. How do we find out if what we think we want is really coming from our core desires? And what goals are not for us?

No prior experience is required. Learn more and sign up for the class by clicking the button below.

FREE Ancestral Arts Ceremony on October 8th 2023

Every year in October, I offer a series of Ancestral Arts drawing sessions. My intention is to help us connect with those who came before us in a creative, deeply personal, and nourishing way.

Our first drawing this year will be a reminder that we are all children of the earth, and we all came here for a reason.

If you are interested in experiencing Art as a Ceremony, please join me for this workshop. No prior experience required.

Find our more about Ancestral Arts HERE.
Sign up for my newsletter below to join the free art ceremony.

Sign up for my NeuroArt Loveletters and receive the
FREE Neurographica Guide

Finding Peace Inside - a Free Guided Drawing Journey for the Winter Solstice

December 21st at 11 AM (Pacific Time)/8 PM (Central European Time)
On this darkest day of the year (in the northern hemisphere), we will go on a journey to find the light and peace inside. This is traditionally the time for deep introspection, where we can slow down, listen within, and connect with the unseen energies inside and around us.
As we are going through tumultuous times collectively, it is even more important to find peace, solace, and compassion inside us. Now is the time to reconnect with our inner light and bring it back into the world to help our collective consciousness evolve and grow to the next level.
Please sign up for my Newsletter to receive more information and the Zoom Link for this special live art meditation.

Start drawing with my Free Guided Videos

Please subscribe to my YouTube Channel for 
Free Guided Drawing Sessions.

Every human has a creative potential.
All we have to do is set out on this journey and find the artist inside.

Upcoming Live-Classes and Programs

Ancestral Arts

LIVE Art Ceremonies: October 15th, 22nd, 29th

Connect to your Ancestors with Art and Ceremony.

This series of Art Ceremonies includes guided ancestral ceremonies, guided visualizations, and meditative drawing processes with the Neurographica Method.
All of these creative activities will help you get to know yourself more deeply, and will allow you to step into a conscious relationship with your own Ancestors.

The series is made up of 3 different guided processes (plus one bonus drawing that I will share before the beginning of the series). Each process explores an aspect of your Ancestral story, and can result in deep inner healing. 

NeuroColor - Algorithm #3

Advanced course that focusses on the energy of color in Neurographica, including certificate of completion.

LIVE CLASSES throughout June/July/August 2023

This Algorithm allows us to experiment with, experience, and integrate the energy and qualities of certain colors into the drawing process. We will learn about the Ancient Art of WuXing, also known as the theory of the Chinese Five Elements. You will learn to use colors more intentionally and evoke the corresponding energies in your artwork.

There is an option to add QiGong embodiment practices to deepen your knowledge.

A prerequisite for this course is the completion of the Neurographica Basics course with a certificate (either from me or another teacher)

Neurographica® Basics - Algorithm #1

Introduction to the Neurographica® Method, as taught by the founder Pavel Piskarev, including feedback and certificate of completion.

 LIVE CLASSES start JANUARY 12th 2024 

This course introduces the main principles, the (new) 8 step process, as well as the theory behind the Neurographica Method in easy to follow and practice-oriented ways. Students will primarily learn and practice the "Algorithm for Removing Limitations", which allows to recognize, observe, and solve inner conflicts, release negative mindsets and emotions, and more.

NeuroTimeline - Algorithm #9

 LIVE CLASSES start April 5th 

The NeuroTimeline advanced Neurographica Course, as taught by the founder Pavel Piskarev, with optional certificate of completion.
The NeuroTimeline course is all about exploring and deeply understanding time and timing. We will explore time as a force that is not linear (like we are often made to believe), but highly individual, mendable, and creative.

We will look into the past, the present, and the future, and visualize the most exciting and interesting timelines for our own lives.

The course includes 4 live classes with recordings.

Retrograde Reflections #2

A guided journey to help you explore and integrate the lessons of the 2023 planetary retrogrades
In this workshop, we will be working with the energies of 5 different planets: 
Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto.

We will focus on the areas of our lives that are impacted by the planets and their retrograde movement, and with the help of a guided Neurographica process, allow our inner wisdom to guide our awareness and help us see to what we need to see at this moment.

Live Workshop on September 24th at 10:30 AM (Pacific Time).
A recording of this workshop will be available.

Creative Moon Women's Circles

2 guided circles each month - New Moon and Full Moon
Creating with the Moon and Zodiac energies. A deep and colorful guided journey for WOMEN, with your guide Antje Howard.

Tune in, align yourself, and manifest in harmony with the natural rhythms and energies of the cosmos. Each circle includes a meditation or other practice (e.g. movement, breathwork) to tune into the current moon and zodiac energy, as well as a guided art process to creatively explore, and work with these energies.

This circle is offered by donation.

the Art of Grieving

monthly creative support group to live with grief & loss
This series of Art meetings is an offering from a place of trust in the process. I am at the moment actively grieving the loss of my son, who died at 31 weeks pregnancy in the beginning of 2022. I will facilitate this group from the place where I am right now, and want to make a disclaimer that I am not a therapist, and this is not a therapy group.

NO prior experience or art skills are required. The drawing will be guided step by step and there will be space to share your process and story (this is of course voluntary).

The meetings are offered by donation to make them accessible to all who may need this work.

Ancestral Arts

LIVE Art Ceremonies beginning October 2nd

Connect to your Ancestors with Art and Ceremony.

This series of Art Ceremonies includes guided ancestral ceremonies, guided visualizations, and meditative drawing processes with the Neurographica Method.
All of these creative activities will help you get to know yourself more deeply, and will allow you to step into a conscious relationship with your own Ancestors.

The series is made up of 3 different guided processes (plus one bonus drawing that I will share before the beginning of the series). Each process explores an aspect of your Ancestral story, and can result in deep inner healing. 

Available Courses

I am on Maternity Leave.
All my courses remain accessible as self-paced programs with recordings. You will also receive Certificates of Completion for any of the Neurographica Algorithm courses (more information on the course pages).
I am asking all my students to have some patience with me for the first months of my maternity journey.

I offer a wide range of pre-recorded online courses with access to future live programs.

I teach the official Neurographica courses as they were created and taught by the Founder of the Psychology of Creativity Institute Pavel Piskarev. For these courses, I also offer optional Certification that will be accepted by the Institute and other Neurographica teachers. 

In addition, I created several signature courses that combine elements of the Neurographica method with other practices, including guided meditation and visualization, elements of ceremony, writing exercises, movement, and more.

Some of my courses feature other teachers, artists, and poets, to provide a more rich experience.

What Students & Clients are saying:

My goal is to strengthen your connection to your original Self; to support your unique creative expression; and to help you open up and access your intuitive inner guidance - using art as a tool.

Work with me 1-on-1

With the Neurographica method, I create coaching processes in a very unique and impactful way. I will assist you by leading you step-by-step through an individualized drawing process that is designed around the theme you want to work on. Together we will search for your blind spots, and look at the things that you might usually hide from yourself in a gentle and supportive way.

This process will help you see your life challenges from a new angle, and will allow you to identify and create the changes that you want to make in your life. With my assistance and through the drawing you will be empowered to solve your own issues and find the answers that you need. 

Invite me as a speaker

One of my greatest wishes is that we realize the incredible creative power that each human being carries inside them. For a very long time I was cut off from my own creative voice, and I have spent years working through inner blocks, self-limiting beliefs, and pushing the boundaries that I had built around myself. I was scared of my own creative power, I did not know the value of free expression, and I believed that not everyone was meant to be an artist. But then, I realized that none of this is true, that those beliefs were the result of being imprinted and indoctrinated to the core by a society and culture that does not value individual creativity, but instead needs people to be followers, looking outside themselves for answers.

Creativity can be uncontrollable, it can be surprising, and it can be disruptive to established ways and systems. And I believe this is exactly what we need in today's world. In order to really evolve as humans, we need to learn to be creative again, and this requires a lot of unlearning and freeing ourselves from old and outdated patterns. In my experience, the Neurographica Method can support this process. We are all meant to live a life that is full of beauty and creativity. 

The big topics I really like to talk about are change and transformation, balance, movement, and the healing power of art. You can also ask me questions about my personal story and healing path.
If you would like to invite me to speak and share my personal experiences, or my work, please send me a message using the contact form.

Hire me to guide your group

My work with groups is focused on empowering participants to express themselves, to be heard and seen, and to feel as part of a larger whole. The use of drawing helps us to approach challenges or goals in a completely new way and opens many starting points for interesting conversations.

I have facilitated different groups (with and without the use of art) for many years and I bring a variety of methods and processes that I can adapt to your needs.

Do you want to build your team? Do you want to create new structures in your company or organization? Do you want to help your people come together and communicate better? 
We can address any of those goals, and work through different challenges in a fun and creative way. 

At the moment I offer this work primarily through online meetings, and I guarantee that even in the online space your group will benefit and grow together through this work.

If you are interested in working with me, please send me a message using the contact form.